Latest practice news
Book your Flu Vaccination
The practice is now offering appointments for flu vaccination. Please contact the surgery to make your appointment.
Texting Service
The practice has started a texting service. We hope this will be a benefit to our patients. Initially this will be used as an appointment reminder service to patients. You will not be able to contact the practice using this system at present. For this system to be a success please let the surgery know your mobile number. There are contact sheets to fill in over all 3 sites. There is an option to opt-out of this service. Please speak to reception for further details.
Accreditation of the practice's clinical records The practice is working towards accreditation for Quality Clinical Records. This process ensures that the practice has Information Quality Assurances in place in line with NHS Connecting for Health Guidance. To acheive this accreditation a Primary Care Trust assessment team will visit the practice and it may be necessary for the visiting clinician to view a number of patient records. If you do not wish your record to be viewed as part of the assessment or require further information on the project, please ask at the reception desk.
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Did you know there is a blood pressure machine in the waiting room for patients to use? It will give you a printout of your blood pressure which may be useful for when you see the doctor, practice nurse, or even just for your own information.. If you need any help to use the machine, please ask at reception.
The practice has a number of blood pressure machines available for home loan. If you would like to take advantage of this service, please ask at reception. The machines can be borrowed for up to a week at a time.
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